Haas Alumni Network (HAN NY) and Cal Alumni Club of New York (CACNY) first-ever Virtual Summer Social and Networking Event!

Please join us on Thursday, June 25th at 6:30 pm for the first-ever HAN NY and CACNY Virtual Summer Social and Networking Event.

We are excited to bring Haas and Cal Alumni together for a fun and engaging virtual session. 

Given that this is our first event, we would like to hear from you on what would bring the most value. Please fill out the polling questions, and we will create our agenda and activities accordingly!

Zoom link will be provided via email in advance of the event.


2 responses to “Haas Alumni Network (HAN NY) and Cal Alumni Club of New York (CACNY) first-ever Virtual Summer Social and Networking Event!”

  1. Hi! I am a recent Haas ’22 admit. I’m curious to know what does HAN do throughout the year? I am a native NYer and plan to return.

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