Our Mission

Welcome to the New York City Chapter !

The mission of the Chapter is to improve and publicize the standing of the Haas School in the greater New York City geographical region and to link the various constituencies of the Haas School Community. Our objective is to provide a valuable channel for alumni interested in networking or relocating into the New York City area.

Eligible members include any person who has received a degree from Haas and UCB graduates involved in business.

Please find our ambition for the Berkeley-Haas alumni network in NYC (2 strategic themes: Connectivity and Sustainability) further detailed below.

Our ambition for Connectivity is to enhance and improve connections between our community of 1500+ Haas alums in the Tri-state area (expanding to the wider community of UCB alums interested in business) including:

  • Use of social media (e.g. LinkedIn, facebook, twitter) to communicate with alums. We’re encouraging all alums to keep their information in @Cal (the UCB alumni database) up to date and to join the Chapter pages on the above social media.
  • Organizing at least 4 quality business content events per year as well as regular social and volunteering events – held in NYC and the wider region (e.g. NJ, CT). Content speakers include visiting Berkeley-Haas faculty as well as leaders and experts from our regional alumni community.  Events will be posted on the social media as well as this website.
  • Raising expectations – encouraging alums to participate in, contribute to and raise their expectations of the network in order to foster a sense of community. Contributions may include time, connections, mentoring, advice, monetary and non-monetary donations etc. Our ambition is to help Haas alums easily connect and participate, creating a strong positive “network effect” that benefits alums professionally and socially and increases the school visibility in the region.
  • New relationships – establishing local connections with other leading business schools and corporate/employer stakeholders.

On the theme of Sustainability, our ambition is two-fold:

  • Building a sustainable chapter – especially as alums move in and out of the region throughout their careers. We have recruited a motivated and committed board team of 20+ volunteers who have re-established the chapter and we are building momentum around key topics of interest – e.g. industry & firm-specific networks, alum career/professional development, student outreach, CACNY liaison, beyond self.
  • NYC presence – developing the vision for and helping build a compelling case for a sustainable Berkeley-Haas presence in NYC (involving space, people and club facilities for alums). This presence will provide a local focal point for the Berkeley-Haas community and provide significant benefits to the University and School.

We’d like to request your help

To realize our ambition, we’d like to request your help and seek participation from our alumni community:

  • Volunteering as a speaker for quality content events (typically combined with a networking event over breakfast or after work)
  • Donating space to host chapter events in corporate & club facilities (catering costs are typically funded by a small event fee for attendees)
  • Participating in the development of the chapter, including contributing time, connections, mentoring, advice, advocacy etc.

We’re excited by this opportunity to develop our Haas community and if you are interested in participating, please contact any member of our chapter board.

Thank you for your ongoing leadership and support of Haas.

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